Turbine replacement results in a 45% higher blast performance and lowers operating costs by one third

Growing maintenance and operating costs combined with a declining blast performance; these are usually good reasons for investing in a new shot blast machine. By taking advantage of the Rösler Retrofit program for a shot blast machine in its foundry division a leading company for drivetrain technology and electronic controls chose a significantly less expensive but highly effective alternative. The existing shot blast machine was upgraded with the foundry version of the Rösler Gamma 400G-8 high performance turbines.  This turbine upgrade helped reduce the expenses for maintenance by two thirds and the overall operating costs by more than 34%. At the same time, the blast performance could be increased by 45 percent. This resulted in an amortization time of a little over one year.

The turbines in shot blast machine must carry a heavy load and are exposed to a lot of stress. Over time this leads to ever increasing maintenance and operating costs along with a growing energy consumption. Frequently, the blast performance no longer meets the capacity and quality demands. In order to fulfill their shot blasting requirements in a cost-efficient and competitive manner companies usually invest in a new shot blasting system. 

A persuasive modernization solution with a quick amortization

A renowned manufacturer of drivetrains and electronic controls was facing exactly this problem with a shot blast machine in its foundry. The responsible project managers at the company contacted TuneUp, a division of the Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, that specializes in the modernization of shot blast equipment. On this occasion they learnt that the Rösler modernization and upgrade service covers not only Rösler equipment but extends to third-party machinery as well. After a comprehensive analysis of the current equipment condition the Rösler Retrofit experts presented a suitable technical solution along with a realistic amortization calculation.  The customer was impressed by the technical depth and short pay-back period of the proposed modernization concept.  

Turbine replacement increases productivity and lowers costs

At the center of the modernization concept was the replacement of the two 22 kW turbines originally supplied with the shot blasting machine. The existing units were exchanged with high performance Gamma 400G-8 turbines in wear-resistant foundry version, also with a drive power of 22 kW each. They are equipped with eight curved throwing blades in „Y“-Design with a precisely calculated curvature. This generates an extremely high throwing speed along with a precise media guidance and results in an optimal efficiency. The unique characteristics of the Gamma turbines with a 45% higher blast performance allowed achieving the needed capacity increase. 

Another feature of the new high performance turbines is that they require a lot less energy. The energy savings were an important reason for the overall  operating cost decrease of 34%.


Expenses for maintenance reduced by over two thirds

The unique design of the throwing blades produces not only a higher performance but allows using both blade sides by simply turning them around. Depending on the utilized blast media, this design feature, combined with the use of wear resistant blade material, for example, forged tool steel, results in a three times longer lifetime compared to conventional turbines. An innovative quick-change system allows easily and quickly changing the blades at the mounted turbine.  The usually required time-consuming dismounting of impeller, control cage and infeed pipe is no longer necessary. Overall this reduces the expenses for maintenance by more than two thirds.


Quick amortization produces a competitive edge

Based on the capacity utilization to-date, the productivity increase achieved by the upgrade and the cost savings the Retrofit investment will have paid for itself already after 1.1 years. The technical features of the modernized shot blasting machine and the quick amortization allow the user to improve his profitability  and consolidate and expand his competitive position in the market.


About Rösler

The privately owned Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH has been active in the field of surface treatment for over  80 years. As international market leader we offer a comprehensive range of equipment, consumables and services around the mass finishing and shot blasting technology for different industries. The selection from a program of  more than 15,000 different media and compounds, all developed in our global test centers and laboratories, always takes place under consideration of the specific customer requirements.  In addition, under the brand name AM Solutions we offer numerous solutions and services in the field of 3D printing/additive manufacturing. The Rösler Academy, our main training center, offers practical, hands-on seminars covering the subjects mass finishing, shot blasting, lean management and additive manufacturing.  Besides the German plants in Untermerzbach/Memmelsdorf and Bad Staffelstein/Hausen the Rösler group also includes 15 branch houses and 150 distributors worldwide.

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Photo: Rösler_Gamma 400G-8

The modernisation of the plant by replacing the existing turbines with Gamma 400G-8 high performance turbines in foundry version will result in a significant increase in output and substantial savings in operating and maintenance costs. The ROI is already achieved after 1.1 years.

The TuneUp brand of Rösler is specialized in the retrofitting of shot blasting systems. The Service is available for all machine types - independent of the plant´s original manufacturer

Image Source: Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH


Contact at Rösler Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Daniel Hund, Vorstadt 1, 96190 Untermerzbach, Telephone +49 9533 924802,,

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