The newest version of Thor’s award-winning editing software is released today.

The newest version of Thor’s award-winning editing software is released today. The much-anticipated version 2.0 is the software which encompasses ease-of-use with sophisticated tools to enable users of all Thor scanners to arrive at a perfect result.

This version of software has several noteworthy features.

  1. It is optimized for both the Thor3D and Drake scanners with all three modules. The software recognizes which scanner was used to capture data and applies appropriate, best-suited, automatic settings and algorithms.
  2. In this version, the user is given a choice whether to post-process data automatically with one click (as it was in previous versions) or perform a specific step of the process independently. This feature was frequently requested by advanced users of Thor3D Suite.
  3. We added a feature called “Preliminary Cleaning”, which filters noise on data that might otherwise interfere with getting a good final result. The great benefits of this filter is best seen when scanning objects with lots of “nooks and crannies” (i.e. crevices, fractures, gaps, etc).
  4.  This version is a big, symbolic step forward for Thor3D. Small additions and changes to the software, such as the appearance of an Installer and helpful tool-tips, as well as a comprehensive manual and 6 interface languages are all Hallmarks of a mature and seasoned application and is therefore called version 2.0!

This software is already available for download from your distributor. Or you can email us at to receive this update.

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