Metalloinvest publishes its 2020 Unified Report – Evolution of Modern Metallurgy

Metalloinvest published its Unified Report for 2020, which combines the Annual Report and the Sustainability Report.
Nazim Efendiev, CEO of Management Company Metalloinvest, said: "This is the second year we’re preparing our Report in a unified format, highlighting the integration of sustainability principles across all of the Company's business processes. The concept of the Unified Report is in line with our mission to reshape the future metals and mining for the next generation. This year we have made a significant step forward in terms of increasing transparency and completeness of information disclosure. A broad range of data, including verified greenhouse gas emissions figures, is being presented for the first time.”
The total reduction of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 as compared to 2019 was 2.5 mn tonnes.
According to the approved parameters of the Company's Climate Strategy, Metalloinvest is targeting a 6% reduction in CO2-equivalent emissions by 2025 and a 77% decrease by 2036.
One of the key topics covered in the report is the Company’s response to COVID-19. From the very start of the pandemic, the Company directed resources toward protecting employee health and supporting regional healthcare, allocating over 3 bn roubles for these purposes.
3.6 bn roubles were allocated toward internal social programmes for employees, 7.1 bn roubles – for external social projects, and 9.2 bn – for environmental activities.
Environmental protection is one of Metalloinvest's top priorities. In 2020, the KPIs of the Environmental Programme until 2025 were approved, and the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Programme, launched in 2019, has continued. The total investment as part of the programmes until 2025 will amount to about 46 bn roubles.
Landmark events in 2020 included the launch of a unique crushing and conveyor facility at Andrey Varichev Mikhailovsky GOK and the launch of premium pellet production for subsequent metallisation.
Lebedinsky GOK implemented the next stage of a large-scale investment project to develop external power supply, commissioning the second and third start-up facilities of the Lebedi substation.
Alexey Ugarov OEMK launched a heat treatment section for rolled products, put Continuous Casting Machine #3 into operation following a technical upgrade, and launched a new ball rolling facility.

At Ural Steel, Blast Furnace #2 and new steam boilers of the thermal power plant were commissioned following modernisation.
A comprehensive programme to transform maintenance and repairs is underway at all Metalloinvest enterprises, as well as a programme to develop laboratory equipment.

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