Sensor and Measurement Science International successfully launched

First digital conference on sensors, measurement technology and metrology

Berlin, May 31, 2021 - The AMA Association for Sensor and Measurement Technology invited science and industry to Sensor and Measurement Science International (SMSI 2021), which was held digitally from May 3 to 6 due to the pandemic.

Research results and developments from the fields of sensors, measurement technology and metrology were presented in more than 160 lectures. Research institutes from the USA, Great Britain and Switzerland, among others, presented ongoing developments and those looking far into the future. These included four lectures on quantum metrology and sensor technology alone, lectures on new methods of materials characterization, and developments in further digitization and artificial intelligence.

Special highlights were the well-attended science slam sessions and the best paper awards, which were awarded to: Lara Hoffmann (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), Evgeny Melekhov (Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg), Thomas Voglhuber-Brunnmaier (Johannes Kepler University Linz) and Leonhard Nitsche (Fraunhofer Institute IPM).

"We would like to thank our international speakers and a likewise group of participants for the successful start of our new conference," says Professor Gerald Gerlach, General Chairman of SMSI 2021. "The words of welcome from other international metrology conferences encourage us to integrate SMSI into the already existing international conference ensemble in the future."

SMSI will be held every 2 years and is planned for 2023 as an attendance event parallel to SENSOR+TEST 2023 in Nuremberg. With the SMSI conferences, the AMA Association for Sensors and Metrology supports and strengthens the leading international position of the German industry for measurement technology.

SMSI 2021 short papers are published here.


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